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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Proposal on the Highland Trail

Emily and Matt with Klaus and Tuloon inbetween

The team waits patiently for the proposal

The team comes upon Neil, hidden in the woods with his camera

The mushers of Points Unknown were excited to be asked to take part in a special "adventure" with the sled dogs on the Highland Trail.

Matt planned to propose to Emily during a dog mushing adventure and we were to work out the details so Emily would be completely surprised. Was she ever! We took the couple in separate sleds up to the highest point in the area and into what we call the "Enchanted Forest" which is a portion of the trail where the fir trees covered in snow create a tunnel effect. We made a stop to rest the dogs and at the same time, I had Emily get out of the sled so that I could remedy a tangle in the team (this was an unexpected issue that worked in our favor). I told Emily that she needed to stand on the snow hook that was securely sunk into the snow pack and look forward, keeping a close eye on the dogs just in case they got excited and decided it was time to get moving. During this time, Matt walked up from the sled behind and I took over Emily's spot on the hook. They both walked to the front of the sled to visit the dogs. At the same time, Neil, stationed in the woods with a camera came out for photo ops. Yes, Emily was surprised and told me later that when Matt kept asking her to take her glove off(so he could put the ring on her finger), she told him, "no! my hands are cold!" They had a hot chocolate toast and beamed all the way back to the dog yard.

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