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Saturday, November 27, 2010


Simple Treasures.
Napkin flower that Rebecca made placed on the beginnings of our Christmas Tree.

I have to say that the past few days I have actually felt "normal", whatever "normal" means. I didn't have to wake up so ridiculously early to immediately begin what was scheduled to be yet another entire day of an insane pace of running from one thing to the next, trying desperately to meet this deadline while not overlooking that one, feeding dogs, making beeswax candles, doing appraisals, touching on the Redpaw dog food business, touching on the MN Honey Producer's proposal for next season, trying to keep up communication with family and good friends, then making sure each dog gets enough exercise and attention while sometimes ignoring what I might need at the moment. That life, although necessary at the moment, is a means to an end and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I got a taste of that light over the past few days. I actually got to enjoy what I am working so hard to have. It did remind me of the life I am working towards. "The Quest for a More Simple Lifestyle; Working with Traditional Sled Dogs" This insane pace is not sustainable and not enjoyable. Although I enjoy each and every one of the things I do individually, to combine them at their current level is indeed pure insanity. I'm doing it and will continue to as long as it is needed while slowly making plans for a much more scaled down version of most of it but the dogs.

So, what did I do that made me feel "normal"? Got some sleep, cooked, cleaned, casually enjoyed the dogs with no set schedule, worked in the beeswax candle workshop when I wanted to and not because I had to, enjoyed a wonderful holiday meal with friends who are like family to me, caught up with friends living long distance and shoveled some snow! It was heaven. What would have made it even better is if Neil had been here to enjoy it all with me.

Now that I've been reminded of what I'd like my life to be, I need to not lose sight of it and continue to work on balancing the things that need to be done with the things I want to do. It can be done! (This will be the new mantra.)

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