As Illo and Ari continue to become more a part of our pack each day, the garage for storing our dog mushing gear that was recently converted to a sterile bee product warehouse has been filling to the brim with honey! Having as many guests as we have had over the past few weeks when the producers come to delivery their products for the MN State Fair honey booth has been fun for the dogs. We have enjoyed it too and I have to admit, watching the products built up in my garage has made me think. Rather than feel overwhelmed, I'm choosing to let that feeling go and trust that I've got it all organized the best it could be. It will get to the fair when it needs to get there and it will sell. It all will sell. Did I mention, I also have my beeswax candle labeling room filled to the brim with items for the honey candy booth? It all will sell. This will be the mantra for the next couple of weeks.
Neil has volunteered to help me transport product to the fair so that will make a life a whole lot easier for me. We spent some time at the booth yesterday doing some clean up and some sign installation. It is all coming together!
This may be the last post until after the fair. Once it begins next Thursday, I will be a the fair! Thankfully, Neil will be here to make sure the sled dogs and little house dogs still get the attention and exercise they need in my absence. Chris and Rich will also be here to help. I couldn't be keeping this crazy schedule without this help. Thank you!