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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Canicross Hike 2009: Minnewashta Regional Park

Our new hiker team. It's a Newfy pup!

Oken and Phoenix

Temps were in the low 60s today but quickly heated up with just a tad of humidity in the air which made it too hot for the dogs too soon. Our hike was relatively short today but were very excited to welcome a new hiker team. Sue and her 7 month old Newfoundland joined us. Wilson caught on almost right away. A very important component of the hikes that makes it successful for new dogs is that the dogs learn quickly from each other rather than trying to figure out what their owner wants them to do. This makes it easier for the owner then to reinforce the behavior that they want and put a command to it. When you think about it, it would be like trying to listen to directions on how to complete a task in a foreign language. Wouldn't watching it be done first be so much easier?

Dogs are smart and can pick up quickly by watching. Be careful, however, because they can also pick up behavior you might not want just the same way!

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