Zodiak weighed 14lbs 2 oz today at 7 weeks old. Please reference a previous post regarding the meaning of the testing scores.
Zodiak's puppy test results were a mix of ones, twos, threes, and fours with the majority being fours. His leader test placed him in Group 1 which indicates he has natural leader aptitude. The individual training for this puppy will be geared towards enhancing this natural ability.
Oken weighed 13lbs 4 oz today. He scored a mix of ones, threes, fours and fives with the majority being threes. His leader test placed him in Group 2. My training will be geared towards confidence building. With this,
Oken will likely make a good leader.

This puppy was named "Q" by his new owner, after a character in James Bond. "Q" weighed a hefty 15lbs 2 oz today. His scores were mixed between twos, threes, fours, fives and a six with the majority being fours. His leader test placed him in Group 1 which is the group that has natural leader aptitude.
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