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Sunday, April 6, 2008

McKenzie has Arrived!

McKenzie, a Hedlund "gray" Husky from Kim Fitzgerald of Mush Knik Networking

Kenzie following daughter Journey around the kennel

First attempts at play

Onlookers from the adjoining kennel. L to R - Zala, Oken and Klaus

McKenzie, the Hedlund "gray" Husky , arrived at Points Unknown from Alaska yesterday. He comes from Kim Fitzgerald of Mush Knik Networking in Knik, Alaska

Due to a mistake at the airport, McKenzie almost ended up flying on to Denver instead of remaining in Minneapolis. Illo, another Hedlund "gray"Husky bound for Colorado, was traveling with McKenzie. As they were moving the crate thought to contain McKenzie to the loading dock for me to retrieve, I saw what should have then been Illo's crate waiting for further transport and wanted to quickly say hello and check on him before I left. Kneeling down to send well wishes on Illo's travels, I saw McKenzie inside! Northwest Airlines was quick to make the error right after it was uncovered. Shipping labels were quickly switched and after a hello to Illo, McKenzie and I were on our way home.

Upon arrival home, he was first introduced to Tuloon and then spent the morning in a small kennel with her that is detached, yet visible, from the dog yard so he could get used to the other dogs from afar. In the afternoon I moved him into a kennel with two girls. Sweet Pea and McKenzie's daughter Journey would be his new kennel mates. This kennel shares a long wall with that of another kennel so he could then become familiar with even more pack members.

After marking everything in sight, he and Journey began to play ever so tentatively while Sweet Pea ignored both of them and sat atop the play structure. The evening he arrived he was coming when I called him, snuggling up for scratches and getting close to my face to sniff.

This morning I was awakened by play noise in the dog yard. Looking out the window I saw all three of them, McKenzie, Sweet Pea and Journey, running around furiously, bumping into each other, play bow after play bow. They were having a blast and Kenzie had a big smile on his face.

While feeding this morning, our new fuzzy friend came up for scratches, sniffed my face then licked my chin as if to say "I kinda like it here, I guess I'll stay" as he nonchalantly trotted away with a big smile on his face.

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