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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Trail Scouting

Team at the bush turn around



Happy and tired dogs

End of the run

Yesterday Helen and I took a dog team to check out a trail for one of the Gunflint Lodge adventures. The plow truck had not done the typical job of plowing out a parking area at this particular trailhead which meant we had to drive 4 miles down the minimally plowed road to find a place to turn around so we would at least be pointing in the right direction to return to the lodge.

We met a local musher at the trail who has nice enough to give us the "low down" on the area and what to expect of the trails. After hooking up the dogs we heading down a scenic trail to the Brule River. The trail slowly went from a wide forest road to a bush trail that lead to the river. Since temps have been warm we didn't attempt to cross the river even though a snowmobile had crossed. We stopped for a quick lunch and turned the team around. This spot by the river will make a nice lunch spot for our guests. The total mileage of this adventure is only 12 miles and we figured, with lunch and a slow hook-up, will take a good 4 hours. Time should be added to any photography stops along the way because the area is quite scenic and we go through a moose habitat.

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