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Friday, December 7, 2007

One Day Left!

Another new beginning on Oake Lake

Its hard to believe that back in September Points Unknown submitted a proposal for the Gunflint Lodge dog mushing program contract and here we are...... one day left before we load up the dogs to spend the next 4 months in the great north woods of Minnesota.

The past three months have been a whirlwind of activity; designing a dog mushing program, getting the dogs in shape for the winter, helping Tuloon raise her puppies, preparing list after list of items to pack and things to do before December 8th, 2007 and then executing those lists, making enough beeswax candles to get wholesale customers through the winter and finally, transferring my real estate appraisal business over to the new firm, CVS, Inc., I have joined(which, by the way, is very supportive of my winter months off with the dogs and many of the members are dog folks and outdoor enthusiasts themselves). Needless to say, I could use a vacation! The next 4 months at the lodge won't be a "vacation", however it will provide a much needed rest for my soul and I am looking forward to doing what I love best; spending time in the wilderness with my dogs.

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