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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Girl Scouts!

Everyone loved Phoenix!

McKenzie with his new friend.

Icoa and her friend.

The kennel buzzed with activity.

Twenty two Brownie/Girl Scouts spent an afternoon IN the Points Unknown kennel, literally. It was the first event of its kind at the kennel. We typically travel to other locations but decided this would be the perfect year to start a program for the Girl Scouts here at our Watertown, MN kennel location.

The girls joined us for a slide show in our sled dog building recently converted to a theater room. Straw bales acted as benches with three girls to a bale. The slide show gave everyone an introduction to the dogs prior to stepping foot in the kennel. An orientation on how to behave around dogs and safely interact with them was given then we all headed out to the kennel for a dog mushing demonstration. Chris, our handler, was the passenger as we hooked up five dogs to show the girls how excited these dogs are about doing their job and around the small portion of the lake we flew. Upon our return, the harness lessons began as each girl got a chance to harness and unharness a dog while safely confined inside the kennel just in case the first rule of dog mushing was broken - "Don't lose your team!" or in this case, "Don't lose your dog!". We're happy to report that no one lost their dog and they did a great job interacting with the dogs. We were sad to see them go but mentioned that if they'd like to bring their parents along next time they can always go out on an adventure with the team.

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