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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Season Coming to an End

Resting in the shade

Smiley guests. 5 Year old Jack helped drive the team back to the lodge.

The beginnings of a Subaru commercial

Journey and Tuloon wait patiently to go

Sweet Pea is the only one not so keen on being one of five dogs in the back

Today was one of our last Gunflint Lake Runs. Despite temps in the mid 40s, the dogs did wonderfully. Thankfully it was cloudy. We took lots of breaks during our 22 mile run with two sets of clients today and attempted to keep the team relatively slow. Once at our turn -around point, the dogs rested in the shade until they told us they were ready to go.

Transporting the dogs to the lake has been amusing this season. Not wanting to start up my large diesel cube van and attempt to drive it down a very slippery slope to the lake a few times a week, I have been taking two trips with my Subaru. It would make a great commercial for Subaru. I routinely fit five large Alaskan Huskies in the back then I go back for a second load for the final two which are Inuit Dogs. The dogs have loved the change in routine from running out of the dog yard and seem to enjoy their short car rides every week.

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