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Monday, July 30, 2012

Building Phase 1; Complete.

Shell complete
Neil returned this morning at 4AM and reported that the shell is now complete! Wow. Can't believe we've come this far. More photos can be found by clicking here.

This comes right on time and right IN time for our participation in the MN Honey Producers State Fair Booth. Delivers of our out-of-state honey products begin next week followed by the honey and bee product deliveries by our Minnesota producers. When all is said and done, we'll have up to 22 pallets of honey and other bee products in our detached garage and more in our basement! Other storage arrangements will be made once we make our move because hauling honey to the fair every morning from 6 hours away just isn't quite practical.

Phase 2 can begin once our Watertown property sells. Click here for our Watertown listing photo album. In phase two comes the finishing of the interior and the addition of our utilities such as well, septic, outdoor wood boiler and complete solar system for electricity. Until then, we'll be pleasantly up to our eyeballs in honey!